Youth Activists campaign against the fossil fuel industry
IGP implementating the Renewable Energy For schools Program
IGP engages individuals and communities on their rights to defend the environment.
IGP supported, resourced and partnered with youth leaders in climate movements
IGP engages the project affected persons on their environmental and land rights
IGP engages stakeholder on Just Energy Transition Plan
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Our Background

The Initiative for Green Planet founded in 2022 by four inspiring university students of Makerere University Kampala embodies a profound commitment to combatting global environmental, climate and human rights challenges, having witnessed the distressing transformation of the natural world we cherished, we were driven by ecological grief to take action against deforestation and climate change. Today, the Initiative for Green Planet is a beacon of hope, nurturing a new generation of environmentally conscious individuals through experimental learning and nature based solutions.

Fueled by a deep passion for conservation, the Initiative for Green Planet goes beyond itself, aiming to make the world better for everyone, now and in the future. This is inspired by the belief that we are responsible for our planet, and by working together, we can create a greener, more sustainable future for all.

The initiative focuses on mentoring young children to be climate conscious, establishing food forests in school, carrying out environmental education to school children, planting trees for birthdays and special occasions, capacity building and eco projects for communities, and creating awareness on climate change to the general public.  

Who we are

Initiative For Green Planet (IGP) is non-profit youth-led organization that focuses on good governance of natural resources through lobbying, research, policy initiatives, community education, and Law through public interest litigation. IGP works with youth and local communities to ensure that natural resources are utilized in an equitable and lawful way that respects all the inherent human rights.

Our motivation behind starting this organization stems from a deep belief in the interconnectedness of people and the planet. We strive to create a more sustainable future for all, where the planet is valued and protected.

Our Work

We run programs focused on tree growing to help communities implement nature-based solutions to climate crisis, while simultaneously addressing food security. Our work provides a shared blueprint for people and the planet, now and into the future

Our Programs and initiatives

Greening Schools

IGPU creates green spaces with school compounds for restoration and revegetation needs....

Environmental Education And Awareness Creation.

IGPU recognizes the critical role .....

Environmental Advocacy

Under this thematic area, we appreciate how ......

Renewable Energy Initiatives

Under this program, we focus on promoting energy transition by advocating against the .....

Climate Change and Climate Action

IGPU seeks to engage, empower, and educate youth, women and local communities .....


Human survival is intrinsically linked to forests, yet deforestation and forest degradation continue at alarming rates which .....

Our Impact

Hectares under restoration
Tress planted
0 M+
People trained
0 +

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Our Partners

How to Help

How you can make difference in the world.

Together we can grow more trees and create a generation of environmentally conscious individuals. You can join us or support us in halting ecosystem degradation while ameliorating eco-anxiety and food insecurity in climate-vulnerable communities in Uganda.