Our Programs And Initiatives

Greening Schools

IGPU creates green spaces with school compounds for restoration and revegetation needs.

The green spaces have multifaceted impact, enhancing fruit nutrition, improving aesthetics positively influencing student’s mental health and contributing to overall student performance

Environmental Education and awareness creation.

IGPU recognizes the critical role that education plays in employing individuals and communities to understand, appreciate and address environmental challenges.

Through targeted awareness campaigns, workshops and education initiative we aim to raise consciousness about pressing environmental issues such as climate change, bio diversity loss and pollution.

Our environmental education programs are designed to be inclusive, accessible and engaging catering to diverse audiences ranging from children to adults.

We employ interactive learning methodologies, hands on activities and multimedia resources to make complex environmental concepts relatable and comprehensible.

Environmental Advocacy

Under this thematic area, we appreciate how environmental advocacy is a key for driving systematic change and influencing policies and practices that impact the environment

At its core, environmental advocacy involves raising awareness, mobilizing public support and engaging with decision-makers to promote policies and actions that protect and preserve the natural world.

Within IGPU, we do advocacy through grass root campaigns, lobbying efforts and strategic partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organizations and stakeholders.

We aim to amplify the voices of communities affected by environmental degradation ensuring that their concerns are heard and redressed by policy makers and industry leaders.


Under this program, we focus on promoting energy transition by advocating against the dirty fossil fuels. Our advocacy aims to raise awareness about the environmental benefits of renewable energy sources and encourage their wide spread adoption.

Through education campaigns, public education, community outreach and advocacy, we advocate for increased investment in solar energy sources, incentivize their use in households, businesses and institutions which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate climate change and foster a more sustainable energy future for all.


IGPU seeks to engage, empower, and educate youth, women and local communities about climate change.

Under this program we shall also dissect the myriad national strategies aimed to at combating climate change. We will navigate the complexities of implementation, teach the general public effective actions against climate change and chart pathways for successful policies.

Under this thematic area, we are also committed to bold climate action to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to helping vulnerable communities adapt to the impacts of climate change.


Human survival is intrinsically linked to forests, yet deforestation and forest degradation continue at alarming rates which exacerbates the consequences especially in biodiverse tropical areas with looming mass extinctions of plants and animals, and increased likelihood of infectious diseases.

IGPU team are helping to combat deforestation and biodiversity loss through targeted research and engagement across all of our thematic areas, particularly through our work on tree genetic resources, restoration, sustainable forest management and soil and land health.